Star Ocean: The Divine Force Isn’t Terrible—And That’s Good Enough

I live only a 15-minute drive from the house where I grew up. My parents moved when I was in college, at which point the physical embodiment of every memory from my formative years was turned over to strangers, only to be revisited in my dreams. On the few occasions I’ve gone back to that street the memories come…Read more...

I live only a 15-minute drive from the house where I grew up. My parents moved when I was in college, at which point the physical embodiment of every memory from my formative years was turned over to strangers, only to be revisited in my dreams. On the few occasions I’ve gone back to that street the memories come…Read more...

I live only a 15-minute drive from the house where I grew up. My parents moved when I was in college, at which point the physical embodiment of every memory from my formative years was turned over to strangers, only to be revisited in my dreams. On the few occasions I’ve gone back to that street the memories come…

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