Apex’s next legend Catalyst is a ‘techno witch’ that will charm fans—and change the Apex Games forever

Tressa Crystal Smith hasn’t exactly had an easy life. She lived through a crumbling Boreas after a meteor hit the planet’s moon, had some “turbulent teenage years” (with a gender transition in that time), and lost one of the people closest to her after her friend Margo bombed a facility in Boreas to “save” its moon. Stepping into the Apex Games isn’t going to be easy either, but she’s more than ready to take on that challenge and become Catalyst, the 15th legend to join the cast of Apex Legends.

After her closest friend Margo was taken prisoner, Tressa fled Boreas, setting up shop on its moon Cleo as part of a terraforming crew dedicated to preserving its environment. In the colony of Hope, Tressa learned to manipulate ferrofluid—a substance the crews used to change the structure of Cleo and is present on the surface of the moon—a talent she’d later take into the Apex Games.

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