‘It affects the meta for sure’: n0tail and Ceb on how the long break will impact teams at TI11

For the first time in 11 whole The Internationals, we have a break between the main stage playoffs and the grand finals weekend. This week-long break might come as a blessing to some players who have been playing non-stop throughout these last couple of months, either getting ready for TI or playing through the various qualifiers to get to the main stage.

While the break might have come as much-needed relief for these players, others might not agree with that sentiment. Dota 2 veterans from Team OG, N0tail and Ceb had some choice words about this situation on the latest episode of their Monkey Business Show, while hailed live from Singapore. This episode also had a veteran caster duo from the Dota 2 scene, Sunsfan and Synderen, giving their opinion on the situation as well.

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