Iceiceice gets to participate in The International 2022, though not in a way he was expecting

The road to Dota 2’s The International is a bumpy one. Throughout the year, teams have their mettle tested and some simply fall short of making it to TI, the biggest event for the game. Directly qualifying for the tournament isn’t the only way one can participate in the event, however, which is the case for Daryl “iceiceice” Koh.

Iceiceice has been away from home in search of the Aegis the past two years, and he landed a spot on Team Secret at the end of 2021. Iceiceice’s Secret stint came to an end in August after the squad failed to qualify for the Arlington Major. While the veteran found a new place on Team SMG alongside MidOne, the team failed to sign up its roster ahead of the TI11 qualifiers, causing them to get disqualified. 

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