‘The guys were ready to try playing 4-vs-5:’ Chuvash talks OG’s TI11 run, big delay against Team Liquid

With all of the top-tier professional teams qualifying for the main stage of this year’s TI, one of the more favored Dota 2 teams going forward has been the two-time TI winners, OG. Although the lineup for the team is entirely different compared to their TI-winning roster of N0tail, JerAx, Ceb, Topson, and ana, the young new players of OG are hungry to prove themselves capable of capturing another TI victory this year.

While everything had been coming up OG until they ran into an EG-sized wall, breaking their undefeated streak in the group stages, their run throughout 2022 had been significant. Following the loss in their series to EG, another mishap came their way. Except for this time, the match itself was going great until the trouble started in the form of technical issues.

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