Jessica Blevins officially steps down as Ninja’s full time manager

Tyler “Ninja” Blevins is known for his Fortnite streams, moving to Mixer, his yellow headband, that embarrassing New Years Eve flossing moment, and getting served a sandwich from his bra-less wife (not asked for). Now, said wife is stepping down from being Ninja’s full time manager.

Jessica Blevins has been managing Ninja’s career for seven years and she described that time as “amazing and hectic” in a TwitLonger about her decision. She started managing him while they were dating, back when he was playing battle royale games like PUBG and competing in Halo. At that time, they were a two-man team.

But what started as Jessica reaching out to individual companies in the gaming space with a resume she created about her husband turned into something so much more.

Wrote Jessica: “I never thought we would have the business, brand, and success that we have today. As Tyler grew, my job continued to change, and I started wearing many different hats that I was definitely under qualified for — he needed a legal team looking over contracts, he needed agents, he needed a financial advisor, he needed YouTube editors, he needed a stream alert team, he needed an accountant that understood his job, he needed a PR team, he needed a Merch team, he needed a social team, and OH could I go on and on…”

Now, Jessica has put together a team known as Team Ninja.

I’ve been managing Tyler now for seven years, and it has been nothing short of amazing and hectic all at the (cont)

— Jessica Blevins (@JessicaBlevins) October 18, 2022

Why is Jessica Blevins not managing Ninja anymore?

Jessica continued that she will still be involved in some aspects of the Ninja empire after stepping away from her full time managing role. She said there is no “big story” behind her decision and nothing “juicy” to tell reporters.

“I’m simply ready for my next chapter, whatever that may be,” Jessica wrote.

Back in February, Jessica revealed in an interview that she was planning to step down from the role. At the time, Jessica said she wanted to focus on her own streaming career as well.

“Right now, I’m really torn. We’re talking about when do we pull the plug and do this? I haven’t told anyone that. You heard it here first,” she said at the time.

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