Apex Legends Pick Rates in Season 13 – Wraith no longer #1 most popular

A new season means tons of new changes and hopefully with the changes, a shift in the legend pick rates. However, this season not much has changed: The top remain at their peak. However, with Season 13 lower picked legends like Seer and Caustic are starting to make a comeback.

Thanks to ApexLegendsStatus, we’ve been able to have a unofficial look into the pick rates of each legend at various ranks and game modes. The Apex Legends Dev team do not publish the complete statistics, but we are more than happy to use the 13.4 million player database of ApexLegendsStatus.

The current season 13 Apex Legends pick rates

Octane – 11.3% Valkyrie – 10.2% Wraith – 10.1%Pathfinder – 9.4% Bloodhound – 8.4%Horizon – 6.2% Lifeline – 5.1% Bangalore – 4.7% Ash – 4% Fuse – 3.7% Loba – 3.3% Caustic – 3% Mirage – 2.9% Seer – 2.8% Gibraltar – 2.5% Rampart – 2.5% Wattson – 2.3% Newcastle – 2.2% Revenant – 2.1% Mad Maggie – 1.7% Crypto – 1.7%

The usual suspects remain dominant in Apex Legends pick rates

It’s bittersweet that the top legends have been and still are: Octane, Valkyrie, Wraith, Pathfinder and Bloodhound. These legends are popular due to their high mobility, great kits or high individual skill ceiling. Even when new legends do come out, they typically have a week or two of popularity and the top regain their placements. However, Season 13 is not without its changes in pick rates.

Octane’s high octane gameplay gives him the number 1 spot

Aggressive Legend that can solo games Regenerates HP while not in combat Can reposition, initiate or escape with jump padHe’s got some great voice lines

Octane has been in contention with Wraith for the number 1 spot throughout the past couple seasons. However, now in season 13, Octane has taken the number 1 spot. The season 13 legend pick rates show that he’s quite popular in lower ranked lobbies (anything under Platinum 4). The fun gameplay and high pick rate in Arenas have pushed Octane to be the most picked legend of season 13 currently at a whopping 11.2%.

Graph from Apex Legends Status

Octane Apex Legends Guide: Master the Adrenaline Junkie

The ultimate tips, tricks and playstyles for Octane, the best speed demon in Apex Legends.


Valkyrie’s triumphant takeover

Highly mobile legendCompletely bypasses ring pressureHas new heirloom and phenomenal cosmetics Has aggressive tactical ability for both offense and defense

The placements have shifted with season 13 as Wraith’s top spot has been taken over by the high-flying Valkyrie. Maybe it is due to the new hype surrounding her new Heirloom or the fact that she completely shifts the meta.

Players specifically at higher ranks have been realizing the power of Valkyrie. She has become an integral member to any team composition. Valkyrie now reigns as the second most picked legend with a pick rate of 10.2%

Valkyrie’s pick rate since her addition to the game

Valkyrie Apex Legends Guide: Rule the skies with Valkyrie

Valkyrie is one of Apex’s newest legends. Join us as we break down Valkyrie’s abilities and some useful tips on playing the Winged Avenger.


The Queen Wraith has been dethroned

Highly mobileEven higher skill ceiling Phenomenal late game tools for repositioning or surviving ring damage Instills fear into lobbies with specific skins

At the start of recent seasons, Wraith tends to drop off significantly in popularity but has no problem whatsoever making a comeback. This is quite evident in seasons 10 and 11 but now in season 13, she’s been on a slow decline in popularity. Wraith now sits as the 3rd most picked legend with a 10.1% pick rate which is nothing to scoff at. However, it seems like players have been leaning towards other legends in the newest season.

Apex Legends’ Wraith’ pick rate percentages since season 9

Upcoming and notable mentions

Horizon soaring to new heights: Most popular at high ranks

Our favorite high flying space researcher Horizon has been on quite the rise in season 13. Her pick rate has increased by a full percent from the end of season 12 to 6.3%. This new pick rate brings her to the overall 6th most picked legend.

Apex Legends’ Horizon’ pick rate percentages in each rank

Additionally, her popularity only comes from higher ranks, with Predator and masters ranks, she has a 17% pick rate. With a combination of fun movement abilities and an offensive (or sometimes defensive) Ultimate and the landscape of Stormpoint, Horizon is on her way to becoming a premier pick.

A new era of recon legends? Pick rates decrease


When talking about Recon legends, one legend comes to mind: Bloodhound. They’ve made quite the name for themselves as being the best information gathering legend in the game.

However as of late, Bloodhound’s pick rate has been on a decline while his only competition, Seer has been on quite the rise. On a huge 20% pick rate increase, Seer is gaining a lot of traction in high ranked lobbies for being able to do what Bloodhound does better than Blood themselves. Seer now sits at a 2.8% and 14th overall most picked legend, while Bloodhound has dropped to the number 5 spot at 8.4%.

Apex Legends’ Bloodhound’s pick rate percentages since season 11

Rampart’s surprising ramp up

If you asked any Titanfall 2 player if the “A-Wall” character would be popular in Apex Legends, without a doubt they would say yes.

However this isn’t the case. Rampart who can set up A-Walls or Amped cover hasn’t made the same splash as in Titanfall 2. But as of season 13, Rampart’s been gaining a lot of popularity with the buffs she’s received in the new season. Rampart has jumped to 3% at the start of the season and has been riding the high ever since. She now resides at a 2.5% pick rate and the overall 16th most picked legend.

Apex Legends’ Rampart’s pick rate percentages since season 9

The pick rates for these Legends are in a constant state of change. Different updates, events can mean different legends rise and wane in popularity.

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