Will there be new two-time TI winners this year?

The International (TI) is always a time of suspense and anticipation. The Aegis haunts the players’ dreams and waking hours, always begging the same question: will I be the one to lift the Aegis this time? And for champions of the past, getting the Aegis might be easier the second time around. But is it?

TI has only been won twice by OG in 2019. They had won TI8 before going back to defend their title in TI9 with the same roster. With the old OG roster out of the way of winning their third TI, all eyes fall on these nine players and the question lingers: will there be new two-time TI champions this time?

Notable teams and players missing from TI11

TI11 is just around the corner but there are some familiar faces we won’t see during this year’s biggest tournament..


Team Spirit defends the Aegies

Team Spirit defends the Aegis, looking to win the second TI

The young CIS team rocked the world when they won TI10 as the underdog, now coming back with the same roster as last year. They could also be a back-to-back TI champion with the same roster, a feat only achieved by OG in 2019. Unlike most TI champions that falter next year, this roster has only looked stronger and they are definitely going to put on a show.

Team Spirit will defend its title with the following roster:

Illya “Yatoro” MulyarchukAlexander “TORONTOTOKYO” KhertekMagomed “Collapse” KhalilovMiroslaw “Mira” KolpakovYaroslav “Miposhka” Naidenov

Puppey the TI All-Timer

Puppey now and then.

Puppey’s eleven TI streaks were almost destroyed as Team Secret had to climb their way to TI11 through the Last Chance Qualifier. He proved that he is an immortal in the Dota 2 universe when Team Secret came out of the bloodbath alive. Puppey has been trying to lift the Aegis for the second time since his first win under Natus Vincere in the first TI. Eleven years later, he still hungers for his second Aegis.

Puppey attempts to snatch back the Aegis under Team Secret with the following roster:

Clement “Puppey” IvanovRemco “Crystallis” AretsMichał “Nisha” JankowskiRoman “Resolut1on” FominokBakyt “Zayac” Emilzhanov

Team Secret Qualifies for TI11, Puppey’s TI streak continues!

Puppey is the only player to have qualified for all 11 Internationals, keeping his streak alive with Team Secret’s latest qualification.


Faith_bian and y` spreading new wings

Faith_bian and y` now and then.

Faith Bian and y` were on the roster of Wings Gaming, the TI6 champion. The Chinese players had gone through a hard time trying to get back into the scene, trying to prove to the world they still have what it takes to claim the Aegis. They are currently under PSG.LGD, a strong lineup formed in 2021. Not only do they want to feel the Aegis in their hands once again, PSG.LGD also carries Ame’s hope of finally winning the Aegis after two unsuccessful TI grand finals.

Faith_bian and y` will battle for PSG.LGD’s first Aegies with the following roster:

Wang “萧瑟/Ame” ChunyuCheng ” NothingToSay” Jin XiangZhang “Faith_bian” RuidaZhao “XinQ” ZixingZhang “y`” Yiping

MATUMBAMAN on his last TI ride

MATUMBAMAN now and then.

During ESL One Malaysia, MATUMBAMAN made the Dota world mourn when he announced his upcoming retirement, which means this will be his last TI. The Finnish player had been playing competitively since 2013 and attended every TI since TI6. He was with Team Liquid when they lifted the Aegis in 2017. MATUMBAMAN then made a run with Team Secret and was so close to the Grand Finals in TI10 when they dropped to Team Spirit. He is now back in Team Liquid with a completely different roster.

MATUMBAMAN will make his last TI run with the following roster:

Lasse “MATUMBAMAN” UrpalainenMichael “miCKe” VuLudwig “zai” WåhlbergSamuel “Boxi” SvahnAydin “iNSaNiA” Sarkohi

Matumbaman on his future in Dota: “I’m like done after two months, like literally done. After TI.. done-zo.”

Ti7 winner Lasse “MATUMBAMAN” Urpalainen feels it’s time to call time on his career in Dota 2, despite still competing at the top flight.


Stay tuned to Esports.gg for more TI11 news and updates!

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