Worlds 2022: How G2 Esports fell to DWG KIA

The LCK/LEC featured rematch hit the rift hard as two titans of League, DWG KIA faced off against G2 Esports. The third match of Group B at Worlds 2022 was pivotal for seating – DWG KIA (2W-1L) were in second place of the group at the start of the day, while G2 were in joint third with a score-line of 1W-3L.

As a rematch, all eyes on G2 to see if they could bring the head to head with DWG KIA back to even – after DWG KIA secured a win last week to pull ahead in the head to head.

For both teams hoping to escape the group stage and having both lost to JDG in the first week of groups; a win here would make escaping the group that much easier… but for G2 Esports it wasn’t meant to be.

Let’s go get that Quarterfinals spot 🔥@DWGKIA’s first match of the day vs G2 is NEXT!


— LCK (@LCK) October 14, 2022

G2 Esports in need of more wins

For the MSI 2019 winners and an infamous European power, all eyes were on G2 to deliver a win over DWG KIA. After failing to qualify for Worlds 2021, G2 Esports had been expected to show up to Worlds 2022 and deliver on their reputation as a finals team.

However, after a shaky start against the LPL and LCK representatives of Group B, it was a nervous day for EU fan. Especially following the earlier loss to Evil Geniuses who secured their first win of the tournament against G2. The match became that much more important as G2 Esports needed the win to keep themselves and Evil Geniuses in the tournament.

Image via G2 Esports Twitter

As for the Worlds 2022 winners, this match was one they needed to improve seating ahead of their match against JDG later in the day. DWG KIA were already one of the favourites heading into the tournament, which they had delivered on.

DWG KIA easily surpassed those expectations successfully in week one, securing wins over the LEC and LCS representatives. As an expected dark horse, and with many predicting a run through to finals, each match is now a chance to remind audiences why DWG KIA already has a Worlds title.

DWG KIA hit the rift cleanly

G2 Esports came out swinging with a Bel’Veth pick for Jankos in the jungle, this was the first Bel’Veth Jankos had shown in pro play and something new on the World stage. But it ultimately wasn’t a success, with Jankos being easily burst the longer the game went on.

On the other side of the rift, Showmaker secured his legendary comfort pick of Le Blanc and showed everyone just why he is known for it. Despite G2 securing the first blood, they were unable to snowball the game and Brokenblade’s Fiora only kept Nuguri under control for so long before he was solo-boloing Brokenblade.

Throughout the match, DWG KIA demonstrated their finesse as they collapsed with ease onto the EU team at seventeen minutes, where they top lane killed two and then took a further kill in the top jungle. Despite G2’s best efforts, DWG KIA were simply too good.

Once the ball was rolling for the LCK team, there was no stopping them as they secured kills and objectives before ultimately securing the nexus at twenty five minutes. A shorter match than their first head to head of the tournament but still longer than DWG KIA’s fastest win over G2 at just nineteen minutes.

Image via DWG KIA Twitter

What this means for both teams

DWG KIA securing the win in this match meant that the western teams of Group B are now eliminated. DWG KIA along with JDG escape Group B to make it to the next stage of Worlds 2022, while EG and G2 are sent home to prepare for their respective next seasons.

This locks four eastern teams from both Group A and B to the next stage, leaving only two western representatives in Worlds 2022. As well as extending DWG KIA’s winning streak to 6-4 in their head to head against G2.

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