Jensen tries—and fails—to take down the League GOAT in a skill-intensive standoff at Worlds 2022

Oct. 13 marked the beginning of the second phase of the group stage at the 2022 League of Legends World Championship, with Group A fearlessly stepping onto the testing grounds of Summoners Rift to prove they are worthy of the knockout stage. Since T1, Cloud9, Fnatic, and EDward Gaming stood a chance to advance to the next stage, it would be an understatement to say that yesterday’s matches were adrenaline-packed rollercoasters for viewers across the world. One of the biggest highlights of the evening was easily an honorable one-vs-one between Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok and Jensen. 

During the match between C9 and T1, the veterans of League finally clashed in a skill-intensive standoff with Jensen playing Akali and Faker on Sylas. The matchup is historically known for being one of the biggest skill matchups in the mid lane since both Sylas and Akali have the necessary tools to outplay one another, like healing, dashes, CC, and invisibility. At the 22-minute mark, Jensen and Faker stumbled upon each other in T1’s jungle for an epic showdown. 

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