All achievements and how to get them in Schedule 1

All achievements and how to get them in Schedule 1

All achievements and how to get them in Schedule 1

Schedule 1 may only have 11 achievements, but they’re enough to keep players asking plenty of questions. If you’re struggling to complete your Steam achievements for this crime sim, check out the table in this guide and read over the FAQs at the bottom.

How to complete every achievement in Schedule 1

Aiming a gun in Schedule 1.
Pew, pew. Image via TVGS
Achievement Description How to Complete
Welcome to Hyland Point Encounter an unexpected setback. Complete the “Welcome to Hyland Point” tasks in your journal.
Master Chef Manufacture a product worth at least $100. Finish creating a product that’s worth a minimum of $100.
Dodgy Dealing Recruit your first dealer. Recruit a dealer for the first time. Benji is the first dealer you’ll be able to hire. Keep selling your products, and you’ll eventually get a call from Uncle Nelson about hiring Benji. You can find him in Motel Room 2 and he costs $500 to hire.
Left in the Dust Complete the prologue. Finish the game’s prologue.
The Long Arm of the Law Get arrested. Get arrested by the cops for whatever shady things you may or may not be doing.
Indian Dealer Sell something to a customer, then pickpocket it back. After selling your goods to a customer, you need to play the pickpocketing mini-game to steal the item back from them. Check out our Schedule I pickpocketing guide for help if you’re struggling.
Rolling in Style Purchase a golden skateboard. Buy yourself a Golden Skateboard from Shred Shack near the Hardware store for $1500.
Businessman Attain a net worth of $100,000. Have cash and inventory worth a total of $100,000.
Upstanding Citizen Dispose of 500 pieces of trash at the Cash for Trash machines. While playing, head to any of the Cash for Trash machines in the game and throw away a total of 500 pieces of trash.
Bigwig Attain a net worth of $1,000,000. Have cash and inventory worth a total of $1,000,000.
Magnate Attain a net worth of $10,000,000. Have cash and inventory worth a total of $10,000,000.

Schedule 1 achievement FAQs (bug fixes, Q&As for new players)

The warehouse in Schedule 1.
Is it a crime game if there isn’t a warehouse? Image via TVGS

There seem to be some issues with the achievements being buggy for players. Those in the Discord server are particularly loud about the problems, so here’s some troubleshooting help for any Schedule 1 fans whose achievements aren’t unlocking:

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