Ghoul for hire.
The Ghoul Update for Fallout 76 went live last night, meaning anyone who’s level 50 or over can now transform themselves into a rad-loving shuffler. This change of face provides players with new perks like not having to eat or drink, getting a rage buff when you ingest loads of radiation, and actually getting healed by rads, making you the perfect wasteland wanderer.
While not everyone has made this change yet, as there are plenty of good reasons to stay smoothskin, like staying chummy with the brotherhood or using the bloodied build, regular human players are instead trying to enlist the help of their fellow ghoulish players.
“Attention soon-to-be-ghouls: You are hereby conscripted to ore detail at Radiation Rumble,” BloodyStigmata says. Radiation Rumble is a public event in Fallout 76. It involves players trying to protect a group of scavengers who are going to extract ore from the Emmett Mountain disposal site. But alongside acting as bodyguards, some players must simultaneously go to gather additional ore.
ATTENTION SOON-TO-BE-GHOULS OF APPALACHIA — you are hereby conscripted to ore detail at radiation rumble. from r/fo76
“I don’t want to hear any complaints,” BloodyStigmata continues. “No, ‘I didn’t bring power armour’ this or ‘my hazmat suit was stolen by a Sheepsquatch’ that, no no no no no you no-nosed fuckers. This time, you have no excuse. You all were literally made for this. You actively benefit from throwing yourself head-first into atoms’ loving embrace, so now you get to play rock jockey. I hope those necrotic legs of yours still work ’cause you need to get them moving.”
As I’ve chosen to become a ghoul, I guess I’ll be one of the many players answering this call to action. As ghouls get perks from radiation, there really isn’t any excuse as to why we shouldn’t be the ones gathering up all the ore.
Ghouls will also probably come in handy when it comes to fixing generators inside one of the three power plants to complete the Powering Up event, or repairing the rad scrubber in the Eviction Notice event. Honestly, it’s probably a good idea to just leave all irritated tasks to ghouls going forward, as well as some very determined players in Power Armour.
In the short time I’ve become a ghoul, I actually find it quite relaxing to just rest in radiated areas like rivers or nuclear waste sites. I’m not sure why—it just brings me a bit of peace. Collecting all the ore while everyone else is fending off irradiated feral ghouls sounds like a pretty decent trade-off if you ask me.
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