Best talent builds and Runes for Shamans in WoW Classic SoD

Shamans in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery can take on any role they’d like—DPS, healer, or even a tank. But, of course, meta builds are guaranteed to make Shamans pop off in both PvE and PvP scenarios.
In Season of Discovery, Shamans are limited to the Horde only, with the only races that can opt for them being Taurens, Orc, and Trolls. Your choice of race will depend on your end-game goal. If you aim to be an avid PvPer and plan on mopping the floor with Alliance in the Battle for Ashenvale PvP event, you are better off picking Orc due to their increased chances to resist a stun. On the other hand, Trolls are best for Blackfathom Deeps raid and dungeons since they have Berserking, an ability that increases your casting and attack speed.