The best voice lines in Marvel Rivals

Marvel Rivals has a bunch of lore hidden in the interactions you can hear between characters. Take a few seconds to listen during the start of each round and you might hear some of these great lines in the tables below.
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The funniest voice lines in Marvel Rivals

Characters | Quotes |
Captain America & Bruce Banner | Captain America: Sure you’re okay with this, Bruce? Bruce Banner: (Hulk voice): No puny Banner, am Hulk now. Captain America: What?! Bruce Banner: Just kidding! Gee, you need to chill, Steve. |
Doctor Strange & Storm | Doctor Strange: So, how do you like this new Wakanda? Storm: If one more person asks me what it would be like to be Empress Consort, they’re going to get a lightning bolt where the sun don’t shine. Doctor Strange: I was talking about the technomantic evolution, but okay. Message received. |
Hawkeye & Adam Warlock | Hawkeye: Oh good, the perfect human’s here to make me feel inadequate. Adam Warlock: You were already doing that before I arrived… Hawkeye: Ouch, got me. Adam Warlock: Perhaps a good fight will improve your self-image. |
Iron Man & Captain America | Iron Man: How’s the shield holding, Cap? I’m working on a shapable photon matrix that’ll really… Captain America: That’s great. But English, please. Iron Man: Solid. Light. Grandpa. |
Luna Snow & Iron Man | Luna Snow: Tony Stark! I’m totally fan-girling. Iron Man: Oh, same here. We can swap autographs after the fight. Luna Snow: Swap? You should just be asking for mine. When’s the last time you sold out Stark Arena, gramps? Iron Man: All right, K-Pop. Let’s go save the world. |
Magneto & Spider-Man | Magneto: Fascinating. Spider-Man: I know, right? Wait. What are we talking about here? Magneto: That the multiverse is so vast, and yet is protected by something as insignificant as a spider. Spider-Man: Uh huh. Shouldn’t you be stuck to the front of a fridge somewhere? |
Mister Fantastic & Squirrel Girl | Mister Fantastic: I’ve heard that you have a background in computer science. Is that correct? Squirrel Girl: Me? Yeah, actually. I do. Why do ya ask, Mr. F? Mister Fantastic: Have you ever considered using those talents to save the universe instead? Squirrel Girl: I mean, sure. But then I remember that I beat Thanos with the help of a single squirrel. I’m always open to trying new things, though! |
Star-Lord & Adam Warlock | Star Lord: Warlock, old buddy! You look good. Did you get some work done? Adam Warlock: I recently emerged from a regenerative cocoon. Star Lord: You gotta hook me up with one of those, bro! I could use a serious tune up. Adam Warlock: Perhaps I should focus my cosmic power on more important matters. |
Thor & Jeff the Land Shark | Thor: What manner of creature are you? Jeff the Land Shark: MRRRRR! Thor: Strange allies this war has brought together. |
The most revealing voice lines in Marvel Rivals
Characters | Quotes |
Hawkeye & Black Widow | Hawkeye: Ugh! These symbiotes are so gross! Black Widow: They’re not so bad once you get to know them… Hawkeye: I forgot you bonded with one of these things. Was it worth it? Black Widow: If it gives us even the slightest edge in this battle, then yes. Without a doubt. |
Hela & Loki | Hela: King Loki, you’re yet to deliver what was promised. Loki: And I shall, your unholiness, right after I have my time to rule! Hela: You’ll soon find time is meaningless in the afterlife. |
Hela & Thor | Hela: Loki believes he is saving Asgard. Thor: Loki lies, even to himself. And if you believe him, you are lying to yourself. Hela: It matters not. Asgard will be mine in the end. |
Iron Man & Black Widow | Iron Man: Nat. Black Widow: Tony. It’s been… decades. Iron Man: You don’t look any different. Black Widow: You haven’t designed those life-extension treatments yet? Better get to it. Iron Man: Nat, you’re looking pretty good for… what, 150 years old? |
Luna Snow & Peni Parker | Luna Snow: Has your Tokyo always looked like this? Peni Parker: Ohh, right, you’re from the past. Is there, like, electricity in your Tokyo? Luna Snow: Um, yeah. But there isn’t a giant spiderweb in the sky. Peni Parker: Crazy! |
Scarlet Witch & Peni Parker | Scarlet Witch: Those threads. They connect realities? Peni Parker: Yeah, we call it the Web of Life and Destiny! Pretty cool, right? Scarlet Witch: Amazing. It’s a relief to know I haven’t been doing all the work myself. Peni Parker: We spiders may not get a lot of credit, but we’re always here to help. |
The weirdest voice lines in Marvel Rivals
Characters | Quotes |
Groot & Venom | Groot: I am Groot. Venom: We are Venom. Groot: I am Groot! Venom: We are… suddenly considering a plant-based diet… |
Luna Snow & Winter Soldier | Luna Snow: If we use our ice powers together, we can stop our enemies cold! Winter Soldier: Ice powers? What the heck are you talking about, kid? Luna Snow: You are the “Winter Soldier,” aren’t you? Winter Soldier: I… think something may have gotten lost in translation. |
Moon Knight & Spider-Man | Moon Knight: You are actually here, right? Or am I imagining this? Spider-Man: Do you see a unicorn in an afro wig next to me? Moon Knight: …No. Spider-Man: Then you’re missing out! |
Spider-Man & Doctor Strange | Spider-Man: Doc, I have a question. Squirrel Girl can talk to squirrels, Ant-Man can control ants… how come I can’t control spiders? Doctor Strange: Would you want to? Spider-Man: I mean… maybe? I bet there are a million spiders in Doomstadt. I could command them all. Doctor Strange: This is a terrible idea, for reasons I will not bother to enumerate. |
Star-Lord & Winter Soldier | Star-Lord: That’s some pretty futuristic tech you’re wearing, bro. Winter Soldier: It’s certainly a step up from the tentacles I was fitted with on my last mission here. Star-Lord: Times like these, I guess it does pay to be… uh… heavily-armed. Haha. You see what I did there? Winter Soldier: Wow. And I thought Hydra was insufferable… |
The saddest voice lines in Marvel Rivals
Characters | Quotes |
Adam Warlock & Winter Soldier | Adam Warlock: I was created in a lab, but it was nothing like this. Winter Soldier: Hydra isn’t exactly known for their ethical treatment of test subjects. Adam Warlock: The suffering you must have experienced here… Winter Soldier: I lived through it once, I’d rather not do it again… |
Black Widow & Winter Soldier | Black Widow: James. It’s good to see you again. It’s been… too long… Winter Soldier: You don’t look a day older than the last time I saw you, Nat. Black Widow: My body may look the same, but for me, it’s been decades. And I’ve felt every single day. Winter Soldier: I know what you mean. All too well. So, let’s just enjoy this moment… before it’s gone… |
Invisible Woman & Spider-Man | Spider-Man: Ya know, as cool as Future Spider City is, I’d rather be in Queens. Invisible Woman: Home isn’t always where the webs are… Spider-Man: Right!? You get it more than anyone, Sue. It’s about family. Invisible Woman: Well, you’ll always be part of ours, Peter. Wherever… and whenever… we may be. |
Peni Parker & Spider-Man | Peni Parker: Peter, have you… その (sono), ever wondered if you’re doing the right thing? You know, going out every night, putting your loved ones in danger? Spider-Man: Every time I put on the mask, Peni. But we have a responsibility. Someone has to stand up to all the bullies out there. |
The cutest voice lines in Marvel Rivals
Characters | Quotes |
Psylocke & Jeff the Land Shark | Psylocke: You need not fear me, little Yokai. Jeff the Land Shark: Mrrr…? Psylocke: It’s what we called ancient spirits where I come from. You are of both the water and the earth. That is rare indeed. Jeff the Land Shark: Mrrr! |
Rocket Raccoon & Mantis | Rocket Raccoon: Mantis, what’s a “raccoon”? Mantis: Oh, uh… they are the… cutest animal on Earth! Rocket Raccoon: Really? Then how come everyone keeps calling me a raccoon? I’m a badass! Mantis: You are cute AND badass! |
Wolverine & Peni Parker | Wolverine: I remember the Japan from before your grandpa was born, darlin’. Peni Parker: Really? What was it like? Wolverine: You know, ninjas, samurai… met a nice girl there once. Peni Parker: Okay… don’t get too nostalgic, old man. |
Character interactions aren’t the only thing you’ll hear in Marvel Rivals. The heroes and villains have their own ultimate voice lines for friendlies and enemies, and getting to know them can help you immensely in matches!