FragPunk’s honor system is the perfect solution to toxic teammates

FragPunk’s honor system is the perfect solution to toxic teammates

FragPunk’s honor system is the perfect solution to toxic teammates

FragPunk is slowly but surely cementing its position among competitive shooters, particularly those following the CS2 formula. Unlike the Valve title, though, FragPunk has a strong anti-toxicity mechanism in the form of its honor systems, and players believe it might be the perfect solution.

“Nice to see this game takes toxic players seriously,” a March 9 Reddit thread reads, praising FragPunk‘s honor system that severely punishes toxicity by lowering disruptive players’ honor grade. At Grade E, the lowest of the low, players gain 50 percent less gold and XP from playing the game and are completely barred from queueing for ranked. Higher grades have less severe punishments, with high honor players rewarded, which is similar to League of Legends‘ system. Competitive shooters are known for less-than-stellar player behavior, especially Counter-Strike 2, where there are few systems in place to curb toxicity (the Trust Factor is a strong attempt, but unfortunately not enough).

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