Dota 2 Patch 7.38 overflows with so many new features that players are treading water just to keep up

Dota 2 Patch 7.38 overflows with so many new features that players are treading water just to keep up

Dota 2 Patch 7.38 overflows with so many new features that players are treading water just to keep up

After long months of wintery wait, Dota 2 finally got Patch 7.38, titled “Wandering Waters.” The floodgates have opened, and we have a barrage of changes impacting how the game plays at a fundamental level.

The most visible change is, of course, the flooding around the Safelanes. These aren’t just an upgrade to the scenery, though. Running with the current gives you a speed boost towards your safe lane. On the surface, this seems to make the trip from the base to the Safelane tier one tower area significantly faster.

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