Disco Elysium Studio Accused Of Ousting Creators, Dev Says It’s ‘Bad News’ For Sequel

Some of the core developers behind beloved 2019 indie RPG Disco Elysium, including the author of the novel it’s based on, are no longer working at the studio that created it. The news was revealed in a blog post written by an editor on the game, Martin Luiga, who claims studio leadership at ZA/UM forced out the lead…Read more...

Some of the core developers behind beloved 2019 indie RPG Disco Elysium, including the author of the novel it’s based on, are no longer working at the studio that created it. The news was revealed in a blog post written by an editor on the game, Martin Luiga, who claims studio leadership at ZA/UM forced out the lead…Read more...

Some of the core developers behind beloved 2019 indie RPG Disco Elysium, including the author of the novel it’s based on, are no longer working at the studio that created it. The news was revealed in a blog post written by an editor on the game, Martin Luiga, who claims studio leadership at ZA/UM forced out the lead…

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