Emulated Bloodborne on PC has been progressing steadily over the course of 2024. As we near the closure of this stellar year for emulation, one player has made a significant milestone anticipated by many: they managed to get the Cum chalice working, letting us farm blood echoes properly.
“Bloodborne emulation has come a long way,” wrote the Reddit user aptly named Hell_with_Psychosis in a Dec. 21 thread. They managed to get the Cummmfpk “hacked” chalice dungeon to work on their PC-emulated instance of Sony’s middle child. Even beyond the dungeon itself, the video they shared shows the game running at a seemingly stable 60 FPS, with little to no stutters and largely functioning graphics and lighting. Hell, even the sound doesn’t stutter and tear, a massive sign of the progress Bloodborne on PC has made since the first breakthroughs earlier this year.