Sony President Promises Better PlayStation Quality Checks After Concord’s Failure

There have been two massive questions hanging over Concord, the expensive PlayStation 5 hero shooter that almost nobody played. The first one is: how did a game that wasn’t busted or terrible bomb so spectacularly? The second is: how did a game seemingly destined to fail get through Sony’s quality checks, renowned…Read more...

There have been two massive questions hanging over Concord, the expensive PlayStation 5 hero shooter that almost nobody played. The first one is: how did a game that wasn’t busted or terrible bomb so spectacularly? The second is: how did a game seemingly destined to fail get through Sony’s quality checks, renowned…Read more...

There have been two massive questions hanging over Concord, the expensive PlayStation 5 hero shooter that almost nobody played. The first one is: how did a game that wasn’t busted or terrible bomb so spectacularly? The second is: how did a game seemingly destined to fail get through Sony’s quality checks, renowned…

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