Pokémon Scarlet and Violet 7-star Feraligatr Tera Raid: Dates, location, and best counters

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet 7-star Feraligatr Tera Raid: Dates, location, and best counters

Pokémon Scarlet and Violet 7-star Feraligatr Tera Raid: Dates, location, and best counters

Feraligatr is taking over Pokémon Scarlet and Violet’s next seven-star Tera Raid event, and this may be your only chance to challenge and catch it.

The seven-star Unrivaled Tera Raids have almost cycled through every Starter Pokémon at this point, making Feraligatr one of the last ones to get its time in the spotlight. And with its ferocious aura, this alligator will be a tough boss to take down.

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