A final love letter to Overwatch: Closing the door on a complex past

It is hard to overstate the effect Overwatch has had on gaming as a whole. The game was one of the rare titles that successfully mixed two audiences: those who were interested in a fresh take on first-person shooters, and those who were brought in by the colorful characters and the promise of a bright future. The tale of Tracer and her fellow heroes cemented Blizzard Entertainment’s role as a world-maker, a team of legendary creatives who simply could not miss.

As beautiful and beckoning as that bright future was, it hid a troubled present. Despite Overwatch’s monumental success in the game industry and within its community, workplace harassment and discrimination sprung up like a plague at Blizzard, though the world wouldn’t know about until much, much later. For every high the game and its team hit, a low lurked around the corner, many of which showcased the difficulties inherent in running a live service game and keeping its fan base interested and engaged.

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