End of an era: Team Spirit replaces 2 TI winners with academy players

End of an era: Team Spirit replaces 2 TI winners with academy players

End of an era: Team Spirit replaces 2 TI winners with academy players

Team Spirit figured it was time to give two players from its academy roster, Yellow Submarine, a taste of the tier-one scene. The two-time TI-winning organization welcomed Alan “Satanic” Gallyamov and Aleksandr “rue” Filin to the main squad on Sept. 26. 

All good things come to an end. After leaving a mark in Dota 2 history as one of the most successful rosters ever, Team Spirit’s roster was bound to undergo massive changes when Illya “Yatoro” Mulyarchuk (now Raddan) and Myroslav “Mira” Kolpakov took a break from professional play due to exhaustion from the packed schedules.

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