Team Liquid parts ways with Dota 2 star after TI13 triumph in now-deleted tweet

Team Liquid parts ways with Dota 2 star after TI13 triumph in now-deleted tweet

Team Liquid parts ways with Dota 2 star after TI13 triumph in now-deleted tweet

The Team Liquid Dota 2 roster lost out on its captain and two-time TI winner Neta “33” Shapira soon after its monumental run at Copenhagen, where the team lifted the Aegis. 

33 has parted ways with the team, according to a new-deleted post from Liquid on Sept. 26. The reason for his departure was unclear, but it likely isn’t retirement. It’s not every day a player willingly leaves a team they have just won the world championship with. The closest case to a team making changes after winning TI is Kurtis “Aui_2000” Ling getting kicked from Evil Geniuses in the TI5 aftermath. 

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