Control 2 Unaffected By Mysterious Annapurna Interactive Implosion, Remedy Confirms

Annapurna Interactive has spent the last eight years publishing some of the most creatively bold and critically-acclaimed games from smaller studios and developers, parlaying an impressive hit rate into a seal of quality whenever its label appears in the opening credits. Now just about everyone who worked there…Read more...

Annapurna Interactive has spent the last eight years publishing some of the most creatively bold and critically-acclaimed games from smaller studios and developers, parlaying an impressive hit rate into a seal of quality whenever its label appears in the opening credits. Now just about everyone who worked there…Read more...

Annapurna Interactive has spent the last eight years publishing some of the most creatively bold and critically-acclaimed games from smaller studios and developers, parlaying an impressive hit rate into a seal of quality whenever its label appears in the opening credits. Now just about everyone who worked there…

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