Silence all enemies with our Apex Legends Revenant Guide

A true ambush character, Revenant is a niche character that specializes in silence and aggression to defeat enemy Apex Legends. Success with Revenant is contingent upon your ability to be as stealthy as possible when approaching your enemies.

With a kit that includes temporarily removing opponents’ abilities, and also getting a “free push” while in his ultimate, Revenant can be deadly. Although not widely picked as of late, Revenant can be devastating as a third party tool. He sees his best use when in areas with cover to drop his ult behind and paired with movement legends. In this guide we will share our tips on becoming a better Revenant main.

What makes Revenant a viable character for an aggressive playstyle?

If you have an aggressive playstyle, Revenant could potentially be the legend for you. His kit is extremely offensive and focuses on debilitating his opponents. Paired with movement legends like Octane and Horizon, Revenant can provide you with the ability to push strategically.

His ultimate ‘Death Totem’ gives players the ability to deal serious entry damage on a team without fully committing to the fight. His tactical ‘Silence’ can be fired at opponents to temporarily remove their abilities. This can be key in a firefight against movement legends because they will not be able to use their “get out of jail free” card and leave the fight.

Revenant’s tactical can also deter teams from pushing if you place it strategically on an entryway. Opponents will likely not want to willingly push into a room where their abilities are taken from them.


Revenant’s stealth can be integral to winning a fight. His passive ‘Stalker’ allows him to move quickly while crouched which makes it easier to sneak up on opponents.‘Death Totem’ provides you and your teammates with the opportunity to push into a fight in a zombie-like state with 100 health. When that 100 health is depleted, you will be sent back to the death totem. This essentially provides you and your teammates 2 opportunities to down your opponents.Being able to eliminate enemy abilities with ‘Silence’ is huge. Stopping a Valkyrie from flying away from an engagement or a Gibraltar from bubble rezzing can be the difference in a fight.


Revenant can be a very niche character. His abilities are not as useful on larger or more open maps (Storm Point, Olympus). Furthermore finding usefulness in his kit in certain areas can be difficult.Revenant’s ult ‘Death Totem’ has a loud animation noise and can also be destroyed by opponents. For Revenant mains, this means teams can hear you coming or can leave you vulnerable if they destroy the totem.

With movement becoming more and more integral to the game, non-movement legends can be tough to choose. Although this is true, a skilled Revenant paired with aggressive teammates can be terrible to deal with. There is nothing more frustrating than defeating a team or even two teams just to have another push you with a Death Totem. Learning to properly third party as a Revenant main can silence opposing Apex Legends for good.

Revenant Tactical: Silence

Duration: The orb lasts on the ground for 10 seconds but if an enemy comes into contact with it, their abilities are silenced for 15 seconds.Cooldown: 25 seconds per orb

The tactical that Revenant’s kit utilizes is an orb that he fires that silences enemy abilities. The orb does 10 damage and removes all enemy abilities for 15 seconds. You can use the ability simultaneously while firing (much like Bangalore’s tactical), which can distract opponents greatly. Opponents will intentionally avoid the orbs so use that in mind when placing it.

Revenant tips to Silence enemy Apex Legends

Tip #1

Be tactful with where you place your orbs. Silence can be used both offensively and defensively. Try to place orbs where you think your opponent is going and not where they are. Disrupting a player by cutting them off with an orb is a great way to use Silence.

Tip #2

Use Silence as a deterrent. Enemy teams will go to great lengths to avoid losing their abilities. If you are in a tight spot, place an orb on entryways so that your opponents have to lose their abilities and are dealt 10 damage if they enter. This can provide you time to decide your next move. Reliance on abilities is integral in Apex so make sure you take advantage of enemies lack of ability when silenced.

A well placed tactical can deter your opponents

Tip #3

Use ‘Silence’ while you are firing your gun (particularly if you aren’t aiming down sight). Firing off an orb while you are firing your gun can be the difference in knocking your opponent or getting knocked. That extra 10 damage that Silence deals and the distraction it creates can win you a fight.

Using your tactical while hip firing can help in distracting your opponent

Revenant Ultimate: Death Totem

Duration: The totem itself lasts for 30 seconds, but players will be under its protection for 25 seconds once they interact with it (as long as the totem isn’t destroyed)Cooldown: 3 Minutes

Revenant’s ultimate essentially provides you and your teammates the opportunity to push enemies twice. He places a death totem that players can interact with which puts them under a “death protection”. When under the protection of the totem, players have 100 hp. The kicker is, when that 100 hp is depleted, instead of dying they are sent back to the totem.

This gives you and your teammates the ability to push a team and gain entry damage or a knock, then push again upon being sent back to the totem. You must be wary of how long you are under the death protection because it does run out after 25 seconds. If you are not careful you can end up in enemy territory without the protection of the totem.

Tips for Death Totem

Tip #1

Use Death Totem as a third party tool. One of the biggest benefits to ‘Death Totem’ is the ability to rush into teams without worryingz about getting knocked. When a team is weak, or even has a downed teammate after a fight, use ‘Death Totem’ aggressively to push them. One of the most difficult and frustrating things to deal with is trying to recover from defeating a team just to hear a ‘Death Totem’ nearby being deployed. Using it like this can aid you in safely mopping up an already damaged enemy team.

Push into teams while under the protection of Death Totem to successfully third party

Tip #2

Always ensure you drop the totem behind cover. The totem itself has 100 hp so if it is destroyed when you are under its protection, you are left extremely vulnerable. Most importantly when using ‘Death Totem’, coordinate with your teammates. To gain that entry damage on a team means doing your best to push them collectively and not as individuals. Make a concerted effort to push as a team so you are not rushing in as individuals and immediately being sent back to the totem.

Always place the totem behind cover if you can

Tip #3

Use the totem defensively as a deterrent. When you hold a building, stop enemy teams pushing in with ‘Death Totem’. If you fire a silence orb on entryways and also drop your ult, teams are much less likely to push inside. The totem’s noise can stop an enemy push in its tracks. Ensure you are placing your ult somewhere out of sight and push outside whatever poi you are holding to deliver enough damage to make the enemy think twice about pushing inside.

Passive: Stalker

Revenant is the quintessential ambush legend in Apex. His passive adds to this by making his crouching movement the same speed as his walking movement and allows him to climb about 6 times higher than other legends (26.5 meters). This also makes for an excellent ratting tool late game since you can quietly crouch walk at normal speed and also climb to great spots to hide.

Tips for Revenant passive in Apex

Tip #1

Utilize that climbing ability. Whether you want to quietly climb to height on an enemy held poi or climb to a good rat spot if you are alone late game, always make use of height.

Climb up to 8 stories to ambush enemies or gain advantageous positioning

Tip #2

Crouch walk as often as possible when enemies are nearby. Revenant can crouch walk as quickly as all other Apex Legends can walk (without sprinting). Use this to your advantage by quietly crouch walking anytime you would regularly walk and not want to be heard. Crouch walking is obviously much quieter and may be the difference in being spotted/heard or not.

What other aggressive characters pair well with Revenant in Apex?

Having good team synergy is an integral part of success in Apex. While all legends can benefit in some ways from one another, some team comps are simply better than others. With an aggressive playstyle that benefits from ambush, Revenant does best with a few characters; movement and wall hack characters in particular.

Pairing Revenant with Octane or Horizon are two that initially come to mind. The ability to push into a team extremely quickly after having dropped Revenant’s ultimate is a deadly combo. Wall hack characters like Bloodhound and Seer are also excellent with Revenant because their abilities can be symbiotic. A Revenant, Octane, and Bloodhound team can be one of the most aggressive team comps in the game and an absolute nightmare for enemy teams.

We hope this guide has provided you with some unique insights into playing the sneaky synthetic nightmare. For more information on Revenant’s kit and his lore, visit his Fandom Wiki page.

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