T1’s LoL Worlds 2023 skins seemingly leaked
After months of anticipation, League of Legends fans have received their first look at T1’s World Championship 2023 skins. The long-awaited cosmetics have been the subject of much speculation and excitement, and just two months before Worlds 2024, they’re finally being revealed via a leak today.
Like every past League Worlds champion, each T1 player had the opportunity to select a champion to receive a skin, with Zeus opting for Jayce (plus a Prestige edition coming with the MVP award), Oner picking Lee Sin, Faker choosing Orianna, Gumayusi selecting Jinx, and Keria going for Bard. While the questions about which champions the players were going to pick arrived with the first raised hand in the post-match press conference after the org won its fourth World Championship last year, the final champion selections took longer than anticipated.