Best Illaoi build in LoL Swarm

Best Illaoi build in LoL Swarm

Best Illaoi build in LoL Swarm

Fearless and reliable, Illaoi is one of the newest additions to League of Legends‘ formidable Anima Squad. She is also ready to defend Earth against the incoming Primordian onslaught in the game’s newest PvE game mode, Swarm—but only with the right build for the job.

There are many different weapons and upgrades you can collect over the course of a game. Depending on the champion you’ve chosen, you’ll need to pick wisely so you can maximize your potential on the battlefield, whether you’re a ranged threat like Xayah and Jinx, a ferocious melee damage dealer like Yasuo, or a frontline brawler like Illaoi.

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