Overwatch, CoD and Counter-Strike—players agree on the worst metas in gaming

Overwatch, CoD and Counter-Strike—players agree on the worst metas in gaming

Overwatch, CoD and Counter-Strike—players agree on the worst metas in gaming

No competitive multiplayer game has perfect balance, but some had notoriously broken eras that players still shudder to think of.

In a June 20 Reddit thread, players reminisced and debated some of the worst and most unfair metas of various popular games through the years. There are some smaller shoutouts in there to things like Smite‘s Gauntlet of Thebes metagame that made every character frustratingly tanky or the Pokemon VGC‘s Smeargle meta when it was impossible to avoid every ‘mon on your team being put to sleep with Darkrai’s signature Dark Void move. Some stood above the rest as the most loathsome and notorious metas.

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