The winners and losers of League of Legends Patch 12.18

Patch 12.18 is the 2022 Worlds patch planned to balance the final power picks with 100 percent presence rates in pro play. As a result, Kalista and Lulu were heavily targeted with nerfs to reduce their early-game lane oppression while still leaving room to showcase their skill and shine. While Lee Sin and Thresh, on the other hand, saw serious buffs that will definitely guarantee them a spot in the current pro-play meta that favors CC-heavy and durable champions. 

Other than that, the devs addressed the rising power creep and early-game impact of Miss Fortune, Nocturne, Kayn, and Hecarim, making the lower-tier games seem one-sided. Patch 12.18 also adjusted Maokai and Udyr to give them more optimal build paths and versatility. 

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