Apex pros ImperialHal, Genburten hacked live during ALGS regional finals in serious breach

Apex pros ImperialHal, Genburten hacked live during ALGS regional finals in serious breach

Apex pros ImperialHal, Genburten hacked live during ALGS regional finals in serious breach

Several Apex Legends professionals have come under attack during today’s ALGS regional finals with the likes of DarkZero’s Genburten and TSM’s ImperialHal granted gamebreaking cheats due to a serious security breach.

Genburten was hit by the breach first, with onlookers shocked as the Australian sharpshooter suddenly froze mid-game, then was given access to Apex’s observer tool without pressing a button—essentially giving him wallhacks. “I’m getting hacked, I’m getting hacked,” he said, frustratingly leaving the match to prevent breaches of competitive integrity.

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