MTG Fallout brings back mass land destruction despite Wizards having ‘concerns’ over mechanic

MTG Fallout brings back mass land destruction despite Wizards having ‘concerns’ over mechanic

MTG Fallout brings back mass land destruction despite Wizards having ‘concerns’ over mechanic

If there’s ever a time to bring mass land destruction back in Magic: The Gathering, it’s in the Fallout Universes Beyond crossover—and that’s precisely what Wizards of the Coast is doing, despite worries over the strength of the mechanic in general play.

The Fallout MTG set, which is scheduled to arrive on March 8, includes a card featuring the three cursed words that haunt any MTG player, veteran or otherwise: “Destroy all lands.” Only available in collector boosters, Ravages of War has been reprinted with a new borderless card art paying homage to the event that started it all in the Fallout universe.

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