Opal Flutterfin locations in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Get ahold of one of the game's more elusive fish.

Get ahold of one of the game's more elusive fish.

There’s a surprising amount of fish to catch in Hello Kitty Island Adventure, but the Opal Flutterfin is by far one of the more challenging to locate. There are two places across Friendship Island where these fish predominantly spawn, so if you’re looking for them for a quest, or your own personal collection, then you’ll want to head here first.

Before you head out fishing, you’ll have to complete Badtz-Maru’s “Keep it Reel” quest. This will automatically be unlocked once you’ve hit Level 3 friendship with him, which means presenting him with a lot of daily gifts to boost your level as quickly as possible. But if you’re already looking for specific fish species to find, you’ve probably already done this. So let’s jump in and find out where to get Opal Flutterfin.

Where to find Opal Flutterfin in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

Where to find Opal Flutterfin in Hello Kitty Island Adventure

(Image credit: Sunblink Entertainment)

Opal Flutterfins can be found around Rainbow Reef, but only during the evening or the night. They can’t be caught while you’re diving, so you’ll need to find a suitable spot to stand and catch them, and conveniently there are groups of three floating boxes east of the Comedy Club and left of the Spooky Swamp coastline. These are the only two places I have successfully caught Opal Flutterfish, even though you’ll see them under the water while you’re swimming around.

If you’re not sure what you’re looking for while you’re standing there, Flutterfins are pretty easy to spot given their pink and blue pattern and a pretty large tail that makes them look like a beta fish. So when you cast your line, generally aim in areas populated by that style fish and you should reel in a winner. You’ll need to catch two Opal Flutterfin fish for Tuxedo Sam’s “Mermaidified Fashion” quest, so it’s best to catch them while you can even if you haven’t quite got to this point. It’s better to be overly prepared than to have to keep treading the same water.

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