Elden Ring: All Painting locations

Elden Ring: All Painting locations

Elden Ring: All Painting locations

Looking to track down all the Paintings in Elden Ring? These mysterious collectibles are among the rarest in Elden Ring: 7 gorgeous in-game paintings, each to be found in a different place, and each one portraying a unique landscape. Once you’ve interacted with a painting, you must then track down the exact vista that the painting portrays in order to gain a valuable reward.

You’ll know if you’ve found the correct solution location for a painting, because as long as you’ve interacted with the painting beforehand, you’ll see a ghostly figure sitting on a chair at the exact spot you need to go. Walk into the figure and it will disappear, leaving behind the unique solution reward.

If you’re struggling to track down all the paintings and their solutions, fear not. Below we’ll walk you through all 7 painting locations in Elden Ring, and exactly where to go to find the rewards for each one.

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