What does ‘Something strange is near’ mean in Destiny 2?

What does ‘Something strange is near’ mean in Destiny 2?

What does ‘Something strange is near’ mean in Destiny 2?

Destiny 2’s year of content post-The Final Shape closes out with a spooky and mysterious Episode called Heresy, and it’s all about the Hive pantheon. The game even tells players that “something strange is near” in the new content, but what does that mean?

Savathun, Xivu Arath, and Oryx are set to return and shake things up in the final Episode of the year before a new Destiny expansion comes out later in 2025, and the Dreadnought‘s coming with the new Episode, too. Get ready to explore the massive ship’s secrets, fight secret bosses, and get new loot while journeying through the darkened halls within.

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