Daniel vs the cooler Daniel.
The Human Torch and The Thing are the two latest heroes set to arrive in Marvel Rivals in the second half of Season 1. Players will be able to check out these two members of the Fantastic Four for themselves when they get added to the game tomorrow, but despite Human Torch having one of the most OP abilities in the game, players are pretty underwhelmed by one of his main cosmetics.
“Is this seriously [the] Human Torch Lord icon,” mylosstoyourgain says. “I’m praying his kill banner is gonna be heat (no pun intended), but all they did was slightly turn his head 50 degrees. I don’t wanna complain too much, though, because the devs are cooking with everything else.”
You can only get a Lord icon in Marvel Rivals by completing hero proficiency tasks for each individual hero. This takes a decent amount of time, depending on how often you play the same hero. It took me pretty much all of Season 0 to get the Lord icon for Luna Snow and Cloak and Dagger, but I’m still working on Hawkeye and Jeff the Land Shark. Regardless of how long it takes players to complete the proficiency levels, getting the Lord icon is still meant to be reward enough for all the hard work you put into leveling up, and this Human Torch icon really isn’t it.
Some heroes do have better icons than others, and it seems like the Human Torch is at the bottom of the barrel alongside Spider-Man and Star-Lord. “They just flipped him sideways,” one perceptive player points out. While this clearly isn’t as good as Bucky or Venom’s Lord icon, it’s pretty much the same level of quality as the Lord icons for the other members of the Fantastic Four. Sue Storm’s looks decent, but Mister Fantastic is similar to Johnny’s in that it’s just his profile from a different perspective.
“I love the game, but the Lord icons are just lazy asset flips with a yellowish glow around them,” a player says. “It just screams “last minute” thing they put into the mastery rewards because they took stuff like sprays and banners out to put in the battle pass and store.” It’s true that some of the rewards in Marvel Rivals aren’t that great. But the developers did announce recently that they’ll be making some changes to the battle pass so it’s easier to get currency for skins, it won’t make Johnny’s Lord icon any cooler, but it’s something.