Marvel Rivals players desperately want Luna Snow mains to stop falling into this trap

Marvel Rivals players desperately want Luna Snow mains to stop falling into this trap

Marvel Rivals players desperately want Luna Snow mains to stop falling into this trap

Luna Snow is one of the best healers in Marvel Rivals, but some players have noticed that they keep falling into the trap of boosting the team’s damage during their ultimate instead of healing them.

In a Reddit discussion, Marvel Rivals players pleaded for Luna Snow mains to consider the possibility of not changing their healing ultimate to damage amplifying as it doesn’t benefit them at all. “I had a Luna Snow ulting for me as I ulted too as the Punisher. She wanted to do a damage boost, I died two seconds later. As if Punisher Ult needed an additional damage boost, it’s already 600 dmg/sec,” a player said, highlighting how healing teammates using her ultimate often baits the teams into giving away priority.

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