League of Legends player uses math to prove why Mel’s Q cannot be dodged

Mel, the latest League of Legends champion, continues to be a menace on the lane and off it, with Riot completely ignoring the players’ complaints. Now, one player went out of their way to prove that Mel is overpowered, using math to show that her Q cannot be dodged.
The player posted their findings in a Feb. 9 Reddit thread, outlining the circumstances of Mel’s Q and how quickly it travels. The spell takes 0.42 seconds to land when cast and travel time are accounted for, and cannot be dodged unless the player behind Mel misses the target completely, the player argued. If centered on a champion, the said champion would need 411 base movement speed to dodge the ability, given that the spell has a 65 unit AOE and the average champion movement speed is around 335. When reaction times are added to the equation, a professional player would need around 556 movement speed, whereas the average player would have to move at 784 units to effectively dodge the ability.