It Took 10 Years For The Makers Of This Blatant Pokémon Rip-Off To Apologize And Pay $15 Million

Pocket Monster: Remake was released back in 2015. The mobile game played almost identically to Pokémon, even using the art, names, and move sets form the existing franchise. A decade later, The Pokémon Company has finally reached a settlement with the Chinese devs behind the rip-off and gotten them to publicly…Read more...

Pocket Monster: Remake was released back in 2015. The mobile game played almost identically to Pokémon, even using the art, names, and move sets form the existing franchise. A decade later, The Pokémon Company has finally reached a settlement with the Chinese devs behind the rip-off and gotten them to publicly…Read more...

Pocket Monster: Remake was released back in 2015. The mobile game played almost identically to Pokémon, even using the art, names, and move sets form the existing franchise. A decade later, The Pokémon Company has finally reached a settlement with the Chinese devs behind the rip-off and gotten them to publicly…

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