For Apex’s 6th birthday, Respawn is giving everyone their least-favorite LTM for another week

For Apex’s 6th birthday, Respawn is giving everyone their least-favorite LTM for another week

For Apex’s 6th birthday, Respawn is giving everyone their least-favorite LTM for another week

Fans of Apex Legends have been looking forward to the end of a controversial loot system, and the game’s sixth birthday is bringing some light at the end of the tunnel.

The famous battle royale introduced Rift Relics to spice up the game’s normal mode, but it’s created more harm than good within the community. With a birthday event and a new season on the way, fans of Apex were hopeful that this system would finally be kicked to the curb—but we’ll all have to wait another week to see it out the door.

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