As Crownfall gets archived, Dota 2 players resort to astronomy to determine upcoming patch date

As Crownfall gets archived, Dota 2 players resort to astronomy to determine upcoming patch date

As Crownfall gets archived, Dota 2 players resort to astronomy to determine upcoming patch date

Crownfall is finally over after its elongated 10-month runtime, and Dota 2 players are gasping for the next thing to sink their teeth into, as it’s been quite a while since the last time Valve dropped a gameplay update.

Last night’s Crownfall Archive update, as it says on the tin, archives the four-acts-long event. But, contrary to what many had hoped for from a large number of staging updates visible on Dota 2’s SteamDB page, it didn’t accompany a gameplay patch or another similar event replacing Crownfall immediately. Naturally, players starving for content have now latched onto the singular piece of hint that Valve left in the Crownfall Archive blogpost: “It’s time for us to…point our compasses at some new guiding stars.”

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