Wuthering Waves Oakheart Highcourt puzzle and Lifer boss guide

Wuthering Waves Oakheart Highcourt puzzle and Lifer boss guide

Wuthering Waves Oakheart Highcourt puzzle and Lifer boss guide

The Oakheart Highcourt has one of the most confusing puzzles and one of the most impossible bosses in Wuthering Waves. Here’s how you can solve the Oakheart Highcourt puzzle, defeat the Lifer, and collect all rewards.

Oakheart Highcourt puzzle location

To start the Oakheart Highcourt puzzle in Wuthering Waves, you must first make it to the heart of the Labyrinth at the Oakheart Highcourt. You can take the proper route by entering through the main entrance and exploring the circular paths, or you can opt to drop in from above near the heart of the maze.

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