You're going to need cheats just to stay alive around here.
The Sims re-release is finally out in the wild again and everyone is about to remember just how hard the original game was. I won’t judge you for needing some Sims 1 cheats just to keep things afloat. You can speed things up with some familiar Sims money cheats but other cheats work a bit differently than you might expect if you’re coming from newer games.
There’s a lot of frankly incorrect and unreliable info out there about Sims 1 cheats after 25 years of internet clutter, console versions, and other re-releases. I’ve personally tested this whole list of Sims cheats and can verify that they work, at least on the EA App version of the Sims 1 Legacy Collection re-release.
I’ve cut out a lot of rumored cheats that either don’t work in this version or just don’t really have much practical application so we can focus on cheats that you’d actually want to use. I’ll keep adding to this list as I uncover other Sims cheats that still work in the new re-release.
How to enable Sims 1 cheats
You can use Sims 1 cheats by pressing Ctrl + Shift + C while in game, typing a cheat into the box in the upper left of the screen, and then pressing enter. It basically works like every other Sims game and it will be totally familiar to you if you use a lot of Sims 4 cheats.
One nice function is that it will warn you when a cheat doesn’t exist or if you’ve gotten the syntax slightly wrong, unlike the Sims 4 which sort of just ignores you if you enter something incorrectly.
Sims 1 money cheats
Rosebud is pretty much the go-to money cheat for The Sims and there isn’t a handy bigger increment cheat like “motherlode.” To get a ton of money at once, use those ;! variants above.
Sims 1 live mode cheats
The set_hour cheat will set the current time as specific but it doesn’t actually advance the simulation to that hour. So your sims won’t experience a ton of needs decay if you set the clock forward 12 hours.
You can use the autonomy cheat to make your sims stand around waiting for orders but you can also toggle free will off and on in the Options > Play Options part of your interface.
As for setting sim_speed, the most useful version of that cheat will be choosing a number like 1, 100, or 500 since there isn’t an interface button to slow Live Mode down to those speeds. Normal speed is 800.
Sims 1 move objects cheat
The Sims 1 “moo” cheat is move_objects on but it doesn’t do what you’re used to if you’re coming from The Sims 3 or The Sims 4.
Turning move objects on does not let you freely place items in buy mode or place them clipping into other objects. Instead it lets you pick up objects that aren’t normally interactable. You can use it to pick up and delete water puddles or trash piles instead of having your sims clean them, for instance.
It will also allow you to move an object that a sim is currently using like a bed that’s being slept in. If you were an unsupervised child on your family computer in the year 2000 you might remember that you can delete a shower while a sim is using it. We don’t need to talk about why.
Is there a Sims 1 needs cheat?
There doesn’t seem to be a working needs cheat for The Sims 1 re-release. A lot of Sims 4 players will be familiar with cheating to make their sims automatically happy but there isn’t an equivalent in The Sims 1. Rumor has it that in some versions of the game you can use “move_objects on” to pick up and delete your sim, which will reset their mood. I’ve not been able to get this to work in the 2025 version of the Sims 1 re-release.