The seemingly inexhaustible supply of Alien-related projects continues with a TV prequel where xenomorphs come to Earth

"Oh, Timothy Olyphant is in it? Okay, I'll probably check it out," said everyone.

"Oh, Timothy Olyphant is in it? Okay, I'll probably check it out," said everyone.

Back when I was a kid in the 1980s, I distinctly remember three rumors spreading around at school:

  • Mikey from the Life cereal commercials died from eating Pop Rocks and Coke
  • In the next Friday the 13th movie, Freddy Kruger from the Elm Street movies would fight Jason
  • In the next Alien movie, the aliens would come to Earth

I had no reason to doubt any of these because they all came from the same source, a kid named Gavin, who I just assumed was plugged into the Hollywood grapevine of celebrity deaths and production deals despite being an 11-year-old boy living 2,500 miles from Los Angeles. And one of those rumors eventually came true: Freddy and Jason did fight each other in a movie in 2003.

Mikey, thankfully, didn’t burst from eating candy and soda simultaneously, but Gavin’s third rumor is finally sort of happening: the aliens from Alien are coming to Earth, only it’s a TV series and not a movie.

The show is coming to FX and Hulu this summer and is called Alien: Earth, which feels like a working title they eventually just decided to stick with. The cast includes Sydney Chandler, Timothy Olyphant, Alex Lawther, Essie Davis, and Samuel Blenkin. Here’s the teaser:

We don’t really see a whole lot—it’s a teaser, after all—and most of it is from the alien’s perspective so we can’t really tell what form the xenomorph is taking. But I’m getting a real flying insect vibe, as it flits and bangs around the narrow corridors of a spaceship like a wasp that’s gotten trapped in your car. As it bonks against the window and the perspective switches to an exterior camera we get a few blurry frames of what could be a giant wasp-like body—multiple legs and translucent wings? Or am I just imagining things because a wasp stung me in the face a few months ago?

Weirdly, the show is somehow a prequel to the original Alien film from 1979, which means the xenomorphs got to Earth before Ellen Ripley’s first encounter with the acid-blooded creatures in space, though maybe Alien: Earth will provide a reason as to why Ripley’s ship The Nostromo was sent to investigate the mysterious signal on LV-426 in the first place. Or has that already been answered in one of the other seemingly unending Alien-related properties? I’ve fallen way behind on the lore. I never even finished playing Alien: Isolation.

At least we know how the xenomorphs got to Earth, which is by infecting and crashing a spaceship, which I think is how they always get everywhere. Gotta hand it to ’em: they stick with what works.

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