The 3 best spots to farm Uniques in Diablo 4 season 7

The 3 best spots to farm Uniques in Diablo 4 season 7

The 3 best spots to farm Uniques in Diablo 4 season 7

Diablo 4’s Season of Witchcraft has overhauled loot drops once again. The drop rate for Unique quality items is incredibly high compared to previous seasons, especially if you know where to look. While most spots have a chance of dropping Unique items, there are a few activities around the map that will make these items rain down on you when you defeat enemies.

Best spots to farm Unique items in Diablo 4 season 7

Unique items can drop in any area across the overworld. However, certain spots within these areas offer a much higher drop rate, and these areas are tied to specific activities. Not all these activities can be accessed immediately, with some locked behind the multitude of Torment difficulty levels.

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