Should you choose Blanche or Cliff for Steeled Resolve Timed Research in Pokémon Go?

Should you choose Blanche or Cliff for Steeled Resolve Timed Research in Pokémon Go?

Should you choose Blanche or Cliff for Steeled Resolve Timed Research in Pokémon Go?

Every so often a Timed Research in Pokémon Go gives you the option to explore between two branching paths. These paths typically have distinct rewards, and for the Steeled Resolve Timed Research, you’ll have to decide if you want to go with Blanche or Cliff.

These two characters often face off against each other, as Blanche is a leader of the Pokémon Go players faction while Cliff is a Team Rocket leader. You normally fight Cliff to defeat the Shadow Pokémon he’s captured, especially if you’re trying to track down Giovanni, the Team Rocket Boss. In a fun twist, you now have the opportunity to work alongside him for this Timed Research, but are the rewards worth it?

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