Riot tells LoL pros to clean up ‘unbecoming’ behavior with widespread warnings

Riot tells LoL pros to clean up ‘unbecoming’ behavior with widespread warnings

Riot tells LoL pros to clean up ‘unbecoming’ behavior with widespread warnings

When it comes to maintaining decorum, Riot Games isn’t joking around. The League of Legends EMEA competitive scene just got hot side-eye from Riot over unprofessional behavior, with warnings raining down on players and coaches for both the LEC and ERL leagues.

On Jan. 5, Riot’s publicly accessible EMEA Penalty Tracker revealed that 12 new warnings were issued to LEC players and coaches and several more for ERLs league members. All warnings cited “conduct unbecoming of an LEC team member” as the reason, but despite the transparency of the tracker, no additional information has been provided about the specific incidents behind these penalties. 

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