Riot drops trailer for 4 new LoL skins—but fans commandeer comments section in demand for Hextech Chests

Riot drops trailer for 4 new LoL skins—but fans commandeer comments section in demand for Hextech Chests

Riot drops trailer for 4 new LoL skins—but fans commandeer comments section in demand for Hextech Chests

What was meant to be a celebratory event trailer has been overshadowed by the demand for a removed League of Legends loot system. It wouldn’t be a new season without fans letting Riot Games know what’s up, and this time it has escalated to other areas of the game.

Riot has been receiving some heavy flak over the past few days for their decision to remove Hextech chests partially for players not looking to spend any money on them. At the time of writing, players are unable to earn Hextech chests, with the loot item only available for purchase in the League store.

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