LoL’s Rumble just got disabled thanks to a huge exploit involving an army of Rift Heralds

LoL’s Rumble just got disabled thanks to a huge exploit involving an army of Rift Heralds

LoL’s Rumble just got disabled thanks to a huge exploit involving an army of Rift Heralds

League of Legends’ fiery yordle Rumble is taking some time away from Summoner’s Rift because Riot Games is working to fix a game-breaking exploit that allows the champion to spawn infinite Rift Heralds on the map. 

League’s Noxus-based season has seen the rise of many niche champion picks in esports due to Fearless drafts, such as Elise support and many more. But the Mechanized Menace’s win rate is soaring, and it’s not just because of his good performances but an exploit that many players have been abusing in ranked matches. 

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