LoL World champion ends 2-year hiatus and joins LPL underdog

LoL World champion ends 2-year hiatus and joins LPL underdog

LoL World champion ends 2-year hiatus and joins LPL underdog

Few League of Legends World champions compete for numerous year after their triumphs, like Faker. Others retire shortly after achieving success. This was the case with Doinb, but the mid laner is now back in professional play.

On Jan. 9, Ninjas in Pyjamas, a League team currently competing in the Chinese LPL, announced the acquisition of Doinb. The veteran player joins an unfinished lineup, since both NIP’s top laner and jungler, shanji and Aki, haven’t extended their contracts, according to Leaguepedia. With Doinb back in the competition and NIP having other renowned players like ppgod, it could be that the organization is trying to create a superstar roster to dominate the LPL.

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