Like a campaign mission’: Destiny 2 latest Exotic mission left players scratching their heads

Like a campaign mission’: Destiny 2 latest Exotic mission left players scratching their heads

Like a campaign mission’: Destiny 2 latest Exotic mission left players scratching their heads

The final Act of Revenant kicked off yesterday in Destiny 2. With it, we got the new Exotic mission Kell’s Fall that you can complete to obtain the new Exotic Void shotgun—except the mission barely felt Exotic at all.

In the latest Destiny 2 Exotic mission, you venture into the Fikrul’s hideout on the Tangled Shore and fight some familiar faces from Forsaken. Unfortunately, as players pointed out in a Reddit thread on Jan. 7, the mission is straightforward and short. It may take some time for you to find the right path during the first run, but the mission quickly wrapped up.

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